SafeNet has partnered with different organizations in order to bring you the ulitmate Cyber Security Service.

Bug Bounty

Harnesses a global community of ethical hackers ensuring continuous detection of costly vulnerabilities without stifling innovation.Continuous testing to proactively protect against potential threats and reduce the risk of breach; access diverse security expertise without adding headcount


Root out the most elusive vulnerabilities with invite-only time-bound security testing to meet your specified outcomes.Find novel and elusive bugs for new product and feature releases or high-value assets based on a targeted security objective.


Receive, manage, and track incoming vulnerability disclosures with the industry’s most trusted and reputable ethical hackers. Create an official reporting channel for vulnerabilities to reduce risk of uncoordinated public disclosure and to meet certain government mandates.


Community-driven Pentest as a Service (PTaaS) delivering instant results and direct access to expert pentesters who are motivated to find elusive flaws.Meet compliance requirements without compromising quality; launch products faster; decrease time to remediation of vulnerabilities with in-platform reporting

Code Security Audit

Vetted engineers scour source code for security flaws, escalating risks that need attention and providing context-specific remediation guidance.Catch the complex vulnerabilities automation misses in the source code of your programs, prior to product launches, or within newly acquired assets

AI Red Teaming

The rapid adoption of AI necessitates proactive strategies and thorough security testing to mitigate risks and ensure ethical standards. HackerOne's AI red teaming uses ethical hackers to identify and fix vulnerabilities, strengthening AI systems against risks and exploits.

SafeNet in-house Red Team Solutions

Internal Penetration Testing

Our Internal Penetration Tests are designed to evaluate the security of your internal systems and infrastructure. We assume the role of an internal threat actor to identify security gaps within the organization.

External Penetration Testing

Our skilled Penetration testers probe your external infrastructure, network devices, and internet-facing systems to uncover vulnerabilities and provide you with clear and concise reports.

Web-Application Testing

Our expert cybersecurity specialists rigorously examine your web applications. By simulating real-world attack scenarios, we deliver comprehensive reports with actionable insights.